Looking for animation tutorials that will help you level up?
Here's a collection that covers a wide range of skill levels.
Whether your a beginner, a pro, or somewhere in-between there an animation tutorial here for you.
Take a scroll through and check back here often. New tutorials are added every month.
Walk Cycle Animation Tutorials
Walk cycle animation blueprint covers the overall approach to animating a normal walk so you know where you’re going before you even start animating.
If you want to be a professional animator working in movies or games for a living – one of the first things that you’ll want to animate WELL – is a walk.
In this tutorial we’re going through an animation walk cycle step by step.
If you don’t know the key poses or understand the locomotion behind a basic walking cycle – I recommend you check out our walk cycle animation blueprint tutorial first.
A run cycle is very similar to a walk cycle. The key poses and general locomotion is all roughly the same – just pushed.
Pushing timing, pushed spacing, pushed posing. This definitely helps define a run – as a run.
A cat walk cycle animation is a great start to learning creature animation.
Although, most animators get confused, as soon as they start animating any creature with 4 legs. So if you're able to animate a cat walk with decent weight and mechanics it can help your demo reel stand out from the pack.
Check out this animation tutorial for a step by step walk-through
A cat run cycle is different than a cat walk cycle in a lot of ways.
Obviously a run is much faster. But in quadrupeds this also means a completely different pattern of movement for the legs.
And at the end of the day having both a cat walk cycle and a cat run cycle with solid weight and power on your demo reel can be quite impressive. So definitely take your time in the tutorial to make the best run cycle you can.
Feature, VFX, and Game Animation Tutorials
These 3 Coco animation tips will help you level up and reach your dream job.
If you've been struggling to spot what to fix in your body mechanics, wondering how to add more weight, or how to make your animation feel more organic - you should watch this.
Do you know how to animate in an entertaining way?
Most animators know basic body mechanics but they have no idea how to create entertainment.
Do you want to create animations at the same level as Avengers? Or the same level as Spider-verse or Last of us 2?
These 5 steps will show you how you can reverse engineer those kind of animations for quick pro level ups.
If you want to level up your game animations or body mechanics in general this live stream is for you.
Carlos, a student of mine will be sharing his animations from an indie game studio hes working at. And I'll be critiquing several animations to help him level up.
What better example for learning great body mechanics than Blizzards Overwatch animation?
In this animation analysis you'll learn 3 critical elements to creating more entertaining and appealing character movement.
Do you want to create awesome God of War style animations for your game demo reel?
In this God of War Animation Analysis you'll learn how to animate powerful in game cycles and cinematics as we study 3 professional demo reels.
Animation Tutorials For Beginners
Are you a beginner to animation and not sure how to start the right way?
In this animation for beginners video, you'll discover 7 tips to learn fast and start right.
Do you know the 5 different kinds of animation?
How about what their advantages and disadvantages are? Or the job options out there?
You already know what animation is but you don't know how to animate.
What is the process like? How do you start in any medium?