I put my reel out on a Friday - Wednesday I got a Job
I put my reel out on a Friday and I got an email on Monday for a Wednesday interview.
Wednesday I got the job. And that's my story.
If you want more accountability, live critiques directly from pro mentors that really care about your success, fellow animation students you can team up with, and animation exercises completely tailored to your specific goals, struggles, and progress week to week.
With Rusty Animator School you can learn anything you've wanted to learn about animation and develop those skills in record time.
I put my reel out on a Friday and I got an email on Monday for a Wednesday interview.
Wednesday I got the job. And that's my story.
I think I almost gave up on animation too.
[Established Online School] is the most famous - most established. And I felt like if I don't study there I won't be able to get better.
Which I discovered wasn't the case at all.
So I think you and Rusty Animator School saved me.
Going into my first animation job I found my skill level was at a higher level than the lead animator at the studio.
I was able to finish animations faster, had them looking more appealing, and talk about the animation style better with the creative director.
I blame you Rusty. You did it with the challenging animations we had in Rusty Animator School.
Without you Rusty I wouldn't have made it and gotten hired -- so thank you for everything! You're awesome!
You seemed really humble, like really wanting to help everyone out. Really wanting to take on that mentor role. Like let me help guide you on this path.
It was wonderful. You have probably been my biggest inspiration so far in helping me move forward as an animator.
I was just reading [your messages] and I realized I haven't told you, but I got the job!! Best Christmas present hehe What a way to start the new year!
[The Recruiter] was impressed by my reel and said it's was great work for a junior without experience and they really wanted me on their project. It was so fulfilling for me to hear!
I’m definitely more confident animating action shots now. I learned a lot more than expected in this class. So I believe as long as you try, you give this a shot, you’ll be happy with what you get.
I just got a job as animator in a VFX studio and I have to say that it was thanks to BMM that I landed that job and I haven't even finished the course! BMM helped so much!
Rusty is here to see you through it, he honestly cares whether we get better or not, and I think he comes across that way immediately…..
I can’t think of another reason why he wouldn’t be into this, if he weren’t trying to do this for other people, helping them grow, building a better community, and honestly I think that comes across without me even having to say it.
Yeah, that’s how I felt from day one, you know… I’ve learned from you more than I have from any other individual instructor, I’m sure.
One of the things I should have been doing in school was focusing on animation only. I tried to learn a bit of everything and it proved to be a waste of time. Really put the time into animation, really focus on it if that's what you want to do. And start here with this course. I learned more quickly in BMM than I have in the past 3 years.
I have to say I’ve tried a lot of schools and this by far is the best one.
Not everybody can teach. Rusty knows how to teach. I speak as an educator of 17 years. He made me fall in love with animation all over again. The way he teaches you is in a traditional sense, which a lot of mentors don’t there more worried about technical stuff or how to get from one place to another. Which is fine, but doesn't lead to as much progress.Rusty gave me the knowledge, the exercises, and passed down the practice of how to make real progress.
I did learn a lot from this class. And the feedback you gave was really good...I like your style, and your feedback really makes me think that you really care about each student. I was a mentor for like Chinese online animation school as well for a little while so I understand it's not easy. Yeah your notes were really good, you really spent time..
I learned so much more than what I expected, stuff that I didn't imagine I would in the first place. It was a really cool course…Even though I had my doubts whether the brainstorming was going to work like it should, I suddenly came up with a lot of different ideas, so that for me was a big break, because I found out that I'm creative...
The biggest result [from Augmented] is that I would get companies coming to me. And being like "hey we have a position would you be interested in it?" or if I applied they're like "yeah, come in for an interview"
It got me from no one - to hearing from a whole ton of people. And then I got hired as a junior 3D Animator!
I've been a professional animator in VFX, Games, and TV for 5+ years at studios BIG and small.
And I'm also the creator of Rusty Animator.
Every animation course I've created on here are courses I wish I had back when I was a student.
Whether you're learning to use Maya, the basics of animating, or being mentored live by me - each course is designed to help you become a professional animator faster and easier than it was for me.
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