How to rapidly overcome every single one of your animation struggles and reach your dream job

5 minutes after hitting play on my critique.... the 2nd class at the best animation school in the world - I was CRUSHED, overwhelmed, and ready to give up on my dream.
Each word during the critique, sounded like Russian mixed with calculus.
Each note of feedback stung like an icy wind cutting straight to the bone.
Nothing my instructor was telling me made any sense. I was clueless how to proceed with improvements to my shot. And answers to my questions during class felt rushed, generic, or unclear.
Even though I was working really hard...this went on week after week.
And I was learning so poorly in this class that my skills were actually regressing. I started messing up basic principles in animating that seemed so easy before.
The worst part was, there were 3 more months to go in this class alone and only 4 more classes until the entire animation program was all over.
It felt like my dream job was completely out of reach.
My thoughts just spiraled:
“I already spent 2 years and $100,000+ to attend a traditional university - will I ever figure this out?!! Why did I pay $2,000+ for this class?! Will this entire program be a waste too?”
And the swirling thoughts really spun out of control when I stopped to look at what all the other students in other classes were doing:
“Why are they doing so awesome?! Maybe I’m just not talented enough to be an animator...Maybe this isn’t for me...”
Although, oddly enough, there was a silver lining to comparing my progress to everyone else's.
One day it just hit me.
As I watched critiques from a few other instructors to their students, I noticed 2 key things:
- I was actually learning. Not a lot, but more than in my current class
- These instructor’s were making all the difference in their students work. Even average students were improving massively.
This gave me just an ounce of hope, that maybe if I grit my teeth and hold out for one more class it will all be OK. The idea that, maybe, in the next class, I’d finally have the right mentor and that would make all the difference for me too.
As it turns out - it did make all the difference.
My animation dreams were saved by the right mentor in the next class
Well, not just the right mentor in the next class, but the next 2 in a row.
These 2 instructors picked me up off the floor, pinpointed my weaknesses, and encouraged my strengths. If they didn’t, in this critical moment, I definitely wouldn’t be an animator today.
I had completely failed the class before them and it didn’t matter. In the 6 months under their guidance I completely transformed my skill set, restored my obsession with the art, and the shots I made ultimately got me hired.
The right guidance even for only these few classes more than made up for any downside throughout the entire school program.

I’d love to tell you that this was the end of my setbacks.
Guidance Truth #1: The animation guidance you get will determine your failure or success
This is about recognizing the powerful effect this has on you’re learning and ultimately your success as as animator.
This is about taking responsibility, as it's not your fault that you’ve had the wrong guidance before, but it is up to you to do something about it moving forward - you’re dreams depend on it.
These next 2 truths, most students never see coming and they are crippling.
Guidance Truth #2 All Professional Animators Don't Make Great Mentors
This one certainly took me by surprise.
I thought if I was learning at the best school and from current working professionals - all of them would be amazing teachers.
But even the best schools are plagued by bad instructors.

Some teachers knock you completely off tempo
Don’t get me wrong though, there are a lot of great instructors that are also professionals but it’s all too often hit or miss.
Why does this happen?
- Sometimes their teaching style just isn’t the right fit
- Sometimes their just winging it with their teaching - no plan to make sure you get the most of the class.
- Sometimes their jaded after years in the industry or wore out from work and their lack of enthusiasm becomes contagious
- Sometimes they struggle with the technology - the webcam, the class recording, the internet, and end up wasting half the class on it.
- Sometimes they can’t clearly communicate what they know, or they actually know less than their students (yes this actually happens)
These might sound extreme, but if you’ve taken a class before you’ve probably experienced at least one of these. And when you're spending $1,000’s of dollars per class these issues should be a rarity.
Guidance Truth #3 - The right mentors can't make up for the wrong learning environment
Imagine if John Lasseter, Glen Keane, Richard Williams, and Brad Bird each offered to teach you animation every week for 2 hours.
Yes, the CEO of Pixar, The animator of Tarzan, The director of Roger Rabbit, and The Director of Incredibes - all sitting down to just teach you -nobody else.

"Every animation struggle I have would disappear!"
You're probably thinking: “AH man, sign me up!” right?!
But there's one major catch:
They can only teach you about the mechanics of a bouncing ball.
They can’t talk about story, acting, planning, creativity, cameras, workflow, or applying for work.

"Why cant the pros teach me everything!"
Now wouldn’t that be a HUGE bummer...
You’d probably be hoping to learn about all those different subjects that they are masters in - wouldn’t you?
I know I would.
This is an oversimplified example but this is basically what happens with virtually every animation school - even the best ones.
Every school teaches you the mechanics and acting. How much they teach and how well they teach it of course depends on the school but they all barely scratch the surface of story, planning, workflow and other critical aspects of being an animator.
So even if you do manage to have an exceptional instructor they may be hindered by what they are supposed to teach and how much time they have.
Sure, the school might have some saved lecture videos or short demos here and there, but as a whole they have a rigid course structure that doesn’t allow time for developing other key skills.
This kind of focus can be all that some students need to succeed. Yet, many students fail to learn essentials like:
- A fast personalized workflow to stay productive and happy.
- How to plan so good your shot is a breeze to animate
- Or how much story and entertainment really matter in shot (and how to make it jaw-dropping, sad, or hilarious)
These essentials skills aside, even if you do have a specific problem with mechanics or acting, your instructor may not have the time to focus on helping you through it because of the way the course is planned out
- You may have to move on before you’re ready for the next class
- You may not have the time to get your questions answered clearly in class - perhaps with a demo or more in depth critique.
- And the class assignments may not specifically teach you the easiest way to fix your animation struggle
Most of the students who face these hurdles never make it over them. They stumble through from one class or job to the next letting the problems compound - making their success far more challenging.

Stumbling to the finish takes a while...
It’s true you're not supposed to be perfect out of school but you should at least be ‘good enough’ to get hired - and many aren’t.
Again this isn’t about casting blame. This is simply about pointing out what's holding you back from getting the right animation guidance so you can reach your dream job with less stress, debt, and doubt.
So what does the right animation guidance look like and how do you get more of it to DEMOLISH your animation struggles?
Well - imagine if you had personally tailored live feedback with strict deadlines on exactly what you’re struggling with right now - no matter what level you're at.
Imagine skipping the massive amounts of time or tuition like you need for a full school program or a specific class that only focuses on 1 topic.
Imagine being able to learn in a group setting where basic and advanced students pitch in their ideas and notes together.
Imagine having a mentor that deeply listens to all your struggles, presents clear answers based on years of experience in VFX, Feature, and Game Animation at the Biggest Studios, and pushes you past what you're capable of with a custom tailored plan month after month.
Does that sound like the right guidance to you?
Is that the guidance you're seeking?
Now you can have it.

Augmented Animator
Personal, tailored, and live feedback to DEMOLISH any animation struggle you have and craft an unforgettable demo reel that lands your dream job
For the first time, you can get the animation guidance you need and say goodbye to that “lost, stuck, & overwhelmed” feeling.
For the first time, I’m offering you a chance to team up with an animation pro at Blizzard and tackle whatever you're up against right now with intensely focused feedback.
Never before has this be done.
You can’t hire a professional animator to physically sit next to you and walk you through everything or tear apart your scene file to find the source of your struggles - but this is pretty damn close.
Inside Augmented Animator you’ll:
Augmented Animator is here to go above and beyond for you, by tailoring the program to YOUR animation struggles.
Are you ready to reach your dream job?
What you get in Augmented Animator
A Professional Animation Instructor

Rusty Gray
VFX and Game Animator
Owner of Rusty Animator

- Steamroller Studios
- Digital Domain
- One Animation
- X-Men
- Cinderella
- Pixels
- Night at the Museum 3
- Into the Woods
- Oddbods
- Rend
Outstanding Instructor Calls

Rusty Gray
VFX and Game Animator
Owner of Rusty Animator
Augmented Animator excels at how instructors and students interact.
All students will group up in a live call with there chosen instructor on Zoom.
This in itself is not that unique, as most schools and workshops teach this way. It is great for students to see what other students are challenged by, what they are doing about it, and how.
Unfortunately, most of the time students in these group settings are all at the same skill level, and don't get a chance to give their feedback.
Augmented Animator changes that by mixing skill levels and asking everyone on every call to get involved and share their feedback.
Ultimately, this is FAR better at helping students get to know each other, gather more ideas, more perspective, and inspire collaboration.
To allow ample time for this to be an outstanding experience - each instructor every week will give extensive calls:
- Rusty Gray's Group Calls will last 2 hours each week
The group calls in Augmented Animator can easily provide the feedback and support you need for massive growth. No other animation program can match it.
It's as close as you can get to sitting next to a professional animator and having them walk you through animation step by step.
As this requires a lot of dedicated time - only a few students will have access to each instructor:
- Rusty Gray's Group Calls will ONLY be available to 20 students MAX
Spots are given on a first come first serve basis.
So if you may miss the chance.
But what else helps you excel inside Augmented Animator?
3 Months of Feedback and Support
You'll get in-depth flexible feedback on any topic you choose (mechanics, entertainment, networking, productivity)
If you're new to animation - we'll get the basics down.
If your advanced - we'll dive into whatever struggle is holding you back from your dream job.


Live Critiques Every Week
Using Zoom you'll get instant feedback that also allows for real time frame by framing and draw overs.
Calls with Rusty Gray will be up to 2 hours long
All calls will also be recorded for your viewing. This way you can revisit notes, or even see how another student improved their shot.
Strict Deadlines
If you want to CRUSH procrastination and make consistent progress you need unshakable accountability.
In Augmented Animator if you miss a call or fail to make any progress - you miss an entire week of feedback.
This keeps you focused and locked in - never allowing procrastination a chance.
And if you need even more accountability to build more habits - we'll help you do that in our live calls and by teaming up with other students.


Demo Reel Reviews
At the start of the program we'll assess your strengths and weaknesses based on your dream job.
Then you'll end the program fully prepared with clear next steps and feedback on your updated reel.
Custom Tailored Growth Master Plan
Everyone has different struggles at different levels.
On week 1 - we'll build a game plan around what you most want to work on and what will most help you get hired.
Then for the rest of program you'll refer to this for next steps and adjustments.

Full Feature Recap:
Rusty Gray
Enrollment Closes Friday October 26th
Best Value
One - time Payment
Get Started Today
3 Monthly Installments
Alumni Success Stories
Alumni Success Story: Theron C.
With Augmented Animator here's how you'll be supported over the next 90 days

Week 1 -October 29th
We’ll assess your current demo reel or shots, and discuss your strengths and weaknesses. Then we’ll develop your custom ‘animation master plan’ for massive improvements over the next 3 months.
Week 2-10
We’ll work together as you progress on your work based on your ‘augmented growth master plan’ and make any adjustments we need to as we go.
For the Holidays there will be a 3 week break, then we'll pick up where we left off.
Week 11 & 12 - February 4th
We’ll discuss whatever you’re working on, and you’ll start preparing your demo reel, if that’s a goal for you, for the last weeks review.
Finally, in the last week we’ll review all that you’ve created, and your updated reel if necessary. That way you’re as prepared as you can be for whatever's next for you as the program finishes - applying for work, making final adjustments to shots, creating a new shot, moving on to a new skill, etc.
Instructor live call schedule:
- Rusty Gray - Determined by students on Week 1
- Usually there are 2 different call times, around the end of the week that suit everyone.
During these months you could:
- Create an unforgettable reel
- Animate the 3 best shots you've ever made
- Develop a workflow that lets you to animate 2x as fast - from now on
- Get your foot in the door with your dream studio
- Make the most of any school with extra feedback
- And more...
Its all up for grabs - its your call how you want to improve.
Try Augmented Animator - Your Protected with my 30 day 'care free' guarantee

Give Augmented Animator a shot for 30 days (a month of guidance) and if you’re not feeling it - you get 100% of your money back
Augmented Animator isn’t just about improving your animating skills - it's about improving your career, improving your life.
You have the freedom to not only learn about body mechanics but also story, creativity, entertainment, planning, networking, demo reels, interviews, and more.
You get to chose what to focus on that will best help you to succeed right now. No one else provides this kind of extensive on demand guidance.
So I’m confident that if you put in the work, you’ll be thrilled with your growth.
And if you don’t feel like you're improving - your protected with the 30 day 100% carefree guarantee.
Just shoot over an email by 12 am midnight EST by April 18th with your animation progress, and you’ll get a full refund.
Yes, you actually have to put in the work. You have to prove you made an effort to attend live calls, ask questions, and do the animations. The reason for this is simple.
Augmented Animator is only for the dedicated artists out to make their dream jobs happen. The consistent do-ers. Not the consumers.
A massive amount of time, hustle, and guidance will be spent on each and every student. So if someone’s not on the same page - especially in group calls or community posts - you can see how it will devalue the experience for all of us.
That’s ok though because you’re totally up for improving right?
Can’t wait to see you on the inside.
Alumni Success Story: Andrion B.
Join Augmented Animator Now
Best Value
One-time Payment
Get Started Today
3 Monthly Installments
Alumni Success Story: Joe T.
What Students have said about my feedback in other programs:

“For me the feedback which you delivered was great, I had everything I needed. I knew exactly what to do.”
- Maxim K. (Studio Sooi Animator and Memorable Animator Student)

“Your feedback was super helpful. I can literally sit down now and get results, it made me better. A lot of times you pointed things out that were nagging in the back of my head and then you addressed it, so I knew I had to work on it.
The fact that there were no grades was really great. That for me wasn't the... I really didn't care about that, I just wanted to learn and get better. Its about turning in your work in every week and getting helpful feedback, so it doesn't matter if I gets grades.”
- Jorge G. (Memorable Animator Student)

“I just wanted to let you know that I actually was impressed by your feedback. There were a lot of us, how many? like 50? took the time to answer us in that much detail, and giving us more ideas and suggestions, and all that, I think it was really amazing. I didn't expect that much feedback you know?...I loved the feedback that you gave.”
- Laura L. (Animator at Ilion Studios & Memorable Animator Student)

“Animators always want professionals to give you feedback. My friend is a programmer, he doesn't understand, why I always need to pay for a class, I can't just practice at home, close the door, close the window and start.
If you're not an animator you don't understand. You need someone professional. I like your style, and your feedback really make me think that you really care about each student. I was a mentor for a Chinese online animation school for a little while so I understand it's not easy. Your notes were really good, you really spent time.”
- Casey L. (2K Games Cinematic Animator and Memorable Animator Student)

“[The Class] made me share my stuff more with the communities, to me this is a big change, I didn't show much of my animation progress back then. b/c I feel people will say I show off or wanna get attention. And I realize it is not, when I share, the feedback I get helps me improve a lot!”
- Eugene O. (Production 76 Animator -Memorable Animator Student)
Augmented Animator is NOT for you if...
- You're looking for a magic pill to become a master animator and get hired at Disney overnight. No one can promise you that kind of transformation - legitimately.
- Have a sensitivity to getting feedback and frequently argue changes
- Expect to take it easy every week and only put a few hours in.
- Are looking to just join the live calls, learn from everyone else, and not participate.
Augmented Animator is right for you if...
Want to Join and Save By Learning with your Friends?

Learn Animation With Friends is the Augmented Animator Referral Program.
Here's how it works.
If you refer 1 friend or several friends and they join Augmented Animator - you can benefit massively on your investment in the program:
- $125 off Augmented per friend referral
- Up to a Max of 3 Referrals
- That's $375 off Augmented Total
- If you refer a friend that friend can also refer up to 3
Exclusive offer for Rusty Animator Alumni ONLY:
- Refer 3 Get Augmented FREE
- You qualify if your an alum of Augmented or Memorable Animator.
- You have to get your friends interested
- And Alumni can't be the friends referred.
How to submit:
- Email with First and Last names of you and your friends
- Keep track of their referral status and benefits here - LINK
Got a Question? Here's the FAQ
Q: Will this work for me?
Q: Will I waste my time?
Q: How do I know this is good?
Q: Couldn't I just go to college or learn on my own?
Q: How is this different from a school or workshop?
Q: I can't afford Augmented Animator - Can I get a discount?
Will you OVERCOME your animation struggles and reach your Dream Job?

It’s not easy becoming a great animator - becoming an artist worthy of your dream job.
All too often the wrong guidance can lead you the wrong way. Or the wrong learning environment can hold you back from getting the most out of the right guidance.
And the most frustrating part is, it's impossible to reach your dream job alone. No matter how motivated, passionate, and determined you are, you’re bound to get tripped up without any help.
- You’ll procrastinate without deadlines or accountability
- You’ll focus on what really doesn’t matter
- You’ll doubt yourself for all that you don’t have the answers to
- You’ll waste $1,000’s of dollars and years of effort trying to ‘make it’
- And you’ll ultimately either plateau going nowhere, or throw in the towel when it’s all too complex and overwhelming
That’s what can happen if you chose to learn like everyone else - if you didn’t know the importance of finding the right guidance.
But that won’t happen to you.
You know better.
You know what to look out for, and how to improve most.
More importantly you’re ready:
- You’re ready to wave goodbye to procrastination
- You’re ready to discover and DEMOLISH your animation struggles
- You’re ready to craft an unforgettable demo reel
- You’re ready to have that animation dream job you’ve always wanted.
- You’re ready to have your name on the credits screen.
So what are you waiting for?
Join Augmented Animator Now
Best Value
One-time Payment
Get Started Today
3 Monthly Installments